Our Name
Levarte is composed of the Latin “levare” – to raise – and “arte” – the arts. The name stands for the guiding principle of our service: we enhance collections by working out the history of objects of art – and thus their significance in broader historical contexts – based on sound research.
The Little Owl is the symbol of Athena, Goddess of the Arts. It can see in the dark, just as we uncover illuminating information about works of art and collections for our clients.
Our Team
Together we have over 30 years of professional experience. Our networks in the Swiss museum landscape, in university research as well as in the international art trade form the basis of Levarte.
From our central location we can quickly reach all archives in Switzerland.
Our Network
We believe that a strong network is the backbone of any successful organisation. For this reason, we have been building a robust and dynamic network of art experts, researchers, archives, museums and art dealers for many years. We not only want to draw on our own experience, but also actively promote the exchange between experts in order to be able to deliver first-class research results for our clients in the foreseeable future.
We are networked with international catalogue raisonné authors and specialised provenance researchers as well as with local conservators. In particular, we work with the following institutions:
Banks and insurance companies
We are networked with selected banks and insurance companies and advise our clients from the areas of estate administration and family offices in this regard.
We are a member of the following professional associations:
VKKS Vereinigung der Kunsthistorikerinnen und Kunsthistoriker in der Schweiz
SAP Schweizerischer Arbeitskreis Provenienzforschung
Arbeitskreis Provenienzforschung e.V.